Come one and come all to the wonderous, the magnificent the ultra delightful stupendifying bloggylishous journal of the one, the only, biiiiigggggg Phil. In the next few moments, he intends to do an ultra double backflip turnaround jump 5 times before landing in *this* small bucket of water. If you don't believe me - Just Read ahead! You might even read about his trip to Canada!

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Long Weekend

Well it's the end of exams, I no longer have any exams to take here in Australia for the next year! (Thats not to say that i wont have to take any exams in Canada, but a bit of poetic license never hurt anyone)

Things I have done in the past weekend,

*Seek to bludge the Weekend away after finally getting to the end of exams
*Did the complete opposite... :(
*Went to "body pump" at the uni Gym on Firday night, ended up virtually destroying all of my muscles
I have been unable to walk around, move my arms freely for the past 48hrs due to extreme pain...
*Went to the fair well dinner for Fabian and Monica whom are jetsetting around Europe and Japan for the next 2 months.
*Went to Amandas Birthday party with Allison
*Kept Allison driving the car as much as possible as she will be taking her test in 3 weeks (hopefully).
*Went to bed late on Saturday night even though i had to be up very early this morning to take Fabain and Monica to the airport...
(Parking is waaaaay to expensive at the airport, $5.00 an hour i mean its pretty prime real estate!!!! I dont think!)

*Had breakfast at the Regatta after coming back from the Airport, Then borrowed out the film "Big Fish" & some other movie that escapes me at the moment....

*Went home and watched Big Fish, (couldnt move real well thanks to muscles killing me)it was a nice movie, a bit of a tear jerker in the end, (I didnt shed a tear though... before you get carried away)
*Slept for 1 hour, had to come home for work, called in sick 10mins b4 having to be there....

Ultimately, 1 Long weekend, when i was looking forwards to a relaxing one... but hey now i gotta start preparing to teach in Tuesday morning.. at 8AM!!!!!! (Way to early for anything in my opinion!)



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Thursday, June 24, 2004

Almost not complete!

Well, I have partially completed my blog set up,

Some information about myself, I study Software Engineering/ Business Management at UQ, but come August this year, I am going to be moving way out of my comfort zone. I am going to CANADA! To be precise i am going to the University of Waterloo. I will be staying there for 2 semesters and staying on campus there in the Columbia Lake Townhouses.

On the way there I will be going to San Francisco and probabaly staying there for about a week. I am not sure how much stuff there will be to do there, but the whole place will be new to me. So hopefully I should get plenty out of it!

One things for sure though, I know that in Canada, its going to get mighty cold (like -25)!

And hopefully i can use this blog to keep track of my trip right round the world!


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My own counter

Just to see how dismally boring this site is, I have added a counter to my site!
So now you can see just how lucky/special you really are!


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My first ever BLOG!

Well here it is, my first ever entry into the mindless chattering know as blogging. I am not sure how long this will last, or whether its simply a fad that i will soon get over. In the meantime, i can feel awsome knowing that i have a cool URL to call my own!


Until the next time!


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IF you want to read more:

June 2004; July 2004; August 2004; September 2004; October 2004; November 2004; December 2004; January 2005; February 2005; March 2005; April 2005; May 2005; December 2006;