London Bridge is Falling Down...
After taking a short red double decker bus trip from Waterloo we arrived in SUNNY London, who would have thought.
The we took a walk towards Trafalgur Square without passing go and without collecting $200. (as if that joke has never been made before in London...) We passed a red telephone book, and without my Superman costume, had to simply pretend to make a phonecall... For some reason all across London there was reminders of our past 8 months in Waterloo... Even the train station was called Waterloo, surely they couldn't have all copied from Canada...
Meanwhile, I am about 1/4 of the way through London and I still have:
Paris, Southern France & Delphines house, Barcelona, Avignon, Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Pompei, and Hong Kong to do, let alone all of the news since I have been home... Damn I have let it build up...
Did I actually see natural light in London there? As in, like, sun?!?!
DAMMIT!!! You little pervert!! UPDATE!!!!
UPDATE!!!! Clown!!!
How DARE you comment on Doc's blog that he doesn't update for months!!! You disgust me! It's been a good 8 months now, and still nothing! I am going to electrocute you with your faulty airconditioner when I get my hands on you!!!
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