Come one and come all to the wonderous, the magnificent the ultra delightful stupendifying bloggylishous journal of the one, the only, biiiiigggggg Phil. In the next few moments, he intends to do an ultra double backflip turnaround jump 5 times before landing in *this* small bucket of water. If you don't believe me - Just Read ahead! You might even read about his trip to Canada!

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

From the other side of the world

Well For those of you who don't care, I plan to be posting very soon, however i have been quite busy on the other side of the world.

I have seen quite a fair few of americanisms, including: U-HAUL, automatic toilet seat covers (Best weirdest invention yet!) Starbucks on every street corner and 2 in the same terminal of the airport... Not to mention a hundred odd drunken street bums!

There will be some photos of me coming soon! Watch this SPACE!


Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

good to hear
now all you need to do is get hello blogger bot for the photos

its in the faq section of blogger

5:25 pm, August 31, 2004  
Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

so where exactly are the photos ?

4:03 pm, September 02, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

Excellent Philip, keep it coming.....

11:32 am, October 04, 2004  

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

Whats the Deal?

What’s the deal with the Pig & Whistle not having XXXX on tap?

It’s just downright ridiculous!


Instead they only have Carlton, Carlton Mid Carlton Light and cascade premium light….


What is the world coming too!


Meanwhile, exam still not done… :( Me is trying though!


Cheers All,




Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

That was a good shindig alright
.... make sure you keep this journal alive !

11:53 am, August 22, 2004  

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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I Really need to take my exam!

I have been putting it off now for a better part of 7 months, taking my CCNA exam.

Well it seems now that I am truly running out of time.

I need to take the exam by the end of the week, or forget the entire thing for my return next year….

Now to get back to study!


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Monday, August 16, 2004


One Word, Unimpressed!


Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

This is such an interesting site .. wow .. oh wow

11:07 pm, August 17, 2004  

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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Canadian University

Here is a map of the University where i will spend the next few months. Posted by Hello


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Saturday, August 14, 2004

Is that Lava?

There are many a quote that i would like to enlighten us all with regards to my long overdue and relatively boring past few weeks recap.

In Recap,

On the 12/8 I went to Golf.

For those of you who don't know, I am not the most coordinated person about, and when it comes to golf, it's no different. On top of that, the borrowed Clubs i was using, were probably better suited to someone half my height. Resulting in me needing to bend by knees substantially in order to come close to even hitting the Golf ball. (It still took me up to 8 shots to hit it occasionally) and some smart ass thought it would be good to place the last hole directly behind a large patch of water, and i am sure you can guess what happens when you try and Hit across water... (4 balls later and no further atempts on my behalf found throwing the ball across a better alternative.)

Today (This same date) I also bought a brand spanking new Canon Printer...

With all my (exceeding large... Maybe) experience in Printers, I have to say that Canons Seem to be very sturdy and well thought out... Individual ink tanks, quiet operation, (something many Epsons have forgotten about)


This post has been waiting for me to complete it for a fair while now, and it would seem that I am destined to write the majority of it on an acer laptop, at first it was at work, but now it is on my new laptop (dads old).

Anyway, I come to enlighten my VAST readership where i stand.
It is Saturday night, 1 week before i leave round the world on a life changing journey.

I have bought several things towards my trip, and I am fairly pleased with how things are going.
A little over a week ago, I was awarded a scholarship to go to Waterloo, an rather unexpected bonus! And whats better is that Allison won one too!

I have a nice new carry on bag, (I quite like it, even if it aint all that special) and all of my electronic doodads that I will be taking seem to be adding up rather quickly.

This includes:
USB Speakers (Laptop ones are a little pittiful)
Electronic Shaver
Electric toothbrush,
Port Replicator
A thousand CD's
and other stuff that i cant quite think of now.

On top of that, I am expected to live off of 30Kg which is all that I can take with me for the next year. (it may even be less) and that includes the weight of a 6 Kg bag... Ludicrous!

Last thursday, I had the first round of Final Drinks, (I say first, as there will probably be a fair few more to come.. At least I can only hope!) That went well (we went to Gillhooleys) where there was a fair degree of fun to be had, and a game of Pool was going well, Me & Boyd vs. Milky & Kyle, when we had to go downstairs for some reason (Can't quite remember why..... ;) ) And upon our return, the table had been taken over... Under normal circumstances at any busy pub that would have been acceptable and perhaps a little pretenetious of us to hope it would be there on our return. However It was a quiet night and there wasn't even anyone upstairs... (And there was another Pool table that was not currently being used...) But we soon got over it... Leaving us to move back downstairs... (not really that eventful a story...)

We walked home from the Pub, and trolley antics ensued, Boyd returned to visit his arch nemisis, the Bus stop and had round two against it, (For those who don't know, Round 1 cosisted of Boyd Running up and punching the Glass covering an advertisement (hopeing it would break) and he broke a finger.) Round 2: Using an empty trolley, building up speed and ramming the bustop. Alas the bus stop was too strong... and perhaps a full year will need to wait before the struggle will continue.

In other news, Philip has stopped working at Woolworths, and won't be there now perhaps either ever again or at the very least till his return to The land down under in June next year.
The last shift was not really the dreamed of one, where no work is done and much irritation is caused but rather one of lots of work and a little chatter...

This evening, I had dinner with family, Mum, Dad, Granny & Grandad, Scott & Denise and Peter and Alison. The food was nice and the Dessert was also... A choc vanilla Cheesecake.
Granny gave me the Canadian Lonely Planet which should be quite useful and also presented me with my Scarf that was knitted by Mum and Finished by Granny. It is really warm and very comfy.

Tomorrow I am off to the Footy With Kyle and Boyd and Milky and Co. Should be a fun time out. Had invited Eric however do to ticket constraints and him not getting back to me, he wont be able to make it.

For those of you interested A have a final fair well evening on this coming Friday. If you want to know about it, (as i have perhaps forgotten to tell you, or you didnt get my email... ) Give me a holler and i will tell you the details.

Hopefully I will be bothered enough to place some decent photos and stories of my trip on this here blog, and perhaps when i am on the plane I will write a fair amount.

Until Next time...

*Radio crackles off......


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IF you want to read more:

June 2004; July 2004; August 2004; September 2004; October 2004; November 2004; December 2004; January 2005; February 2005; March 2005; April 2005; May 2005; December 2006;