Hey Guys,
I feel that it's about time that I write to you, I have been missing "most" of you a fair bit. Canada is not overly different from Australia, at least not at the moment, (I think that the 1m snow falls could change that in a hurry). The most notable sign of the coming winter I think is the huge snow shovel that lives inside the front door of my house. Since I left Australia, I have generally been pretty flat out.
On Sunday the 22nd of August I took a flight to Los Angeles and then straight onto San Francisco. Many of you know that I have the privilege of flying on Cheap Airline tickets and this paid off in more ways than one for my flight to LA. I actually got upgraded to Business Class as the plane was fairly full and the only seats available were in more comfy seats. Unfortunately though (the really bad part) Allison had to stay in Economy, and there weren't any spare seats in Business. The flight was about 13hrs long and we were wasted by our arrival in LA. Here though my cheap ticket really backfired. Our connecting flight onto San Francisco was Full, that meant that I didn't get on the flight. Allison had to and we were now separated across America with no real means of contact. On top of that since I was now flying American Airlines my Stand by ticket had the lowest priority and I was number 20 on the standby ticket list. After waiting a further 4 hours in the Los Angeles Airport with 5 US dollars and 2 Starbucks, a Burger King and about 2 hotdog stands in the same terminal to entertain me, I managed to get on a plane and finally meet up again with Allison an hour or so later.
San Francisco was interesting, there is some fairly nice scenery there, although the people leave a little bit to be desired. Most of the people we interacted with though were tourists from everywhere so that was OK. If you go, be careful of Bums using any excuse to get money out of you, including singing with bad breath, learn to use the buses that go down almost every street downtown. We also biked across the Golden Gate Bridge which was great as we got out of the city. Oh and we also visited Alcatraz. (there is a need to book about 2 days ahead on weekdays, more on weekends)
From San Fran we flew onto Chicago then straight onto Toronto. In the Chicago airport I had my first American Big Mac and that was pretty much Identical, except that the guy taking my order couldn't understand what I asked for when I ordered. Silly Americans... Arriving in Toronto after an annoying delay we arrived to find half the world waiting for us. My Dads Cousin (I shall call her Aunty) was kind enough to pick us up, unfortunately though she had had someone crash into the back of her car on the way to the airport. Whilst staying with them for a few days we visited the city, went to the Toronto Zoo, saw the Canadian Countryside, OMG it's green (I haven't seen green for a while in Brisbane, certainly not like this...). Tasted several Canadian Beers, although that experiment is still underway... ;) Then we stayed with Allisons Parents Cousin for two nights, and spent a day at the famous Niagara Falls. (See Photos) We took the 'maid of the mist' a boat right up to the bottom of the falls and also saw the nearby sights. You don't really hear it but there is a huge amount of mist up above the falls and the buildings near it are pretty much in eternal Rainfall. (The blue raincoats are given for the boat ride as it gets really wet.) After that we stayed with another of my Dads Cousins, they picked us up in there convertible Ferrari, and then took us out to dinner in their white convertible Cadillac (That's the brown & white photo). Very Sweet... although a cold trip home on the Highway at midnight... With little further ado, I made it to my Residence here on Campus at the University of Waterloo.
My location here happens to be the furtherest possible residence from the Engineering Department and it takes me about 20 minutes to get there from my house. I am staying where most of the Exchange students are staying and in my house (a four bedroom townhouse) I have a German (Sven), a guy from Switzerland (Thomas), and a French Bloke named Aziz. The first two are really friendly and the third guy has been a bit of a recluse so far but he only arrived 2 days ago.
There are French, Swiss, and Germans everywhere where I am staying and there have been regular parties/outings amost every night. Study Started for me today and that was interesting. 3 of my lecturers are Canadians and the fourth is a deaf Man who's rather nuts... (You have to see him to believe me... He talks like most deaf people do, except with almost a French accent... )
Well that's kind of up to date of this end, I would love an update of whats happening in Australia, and whether It's worth me coming home. The Broncos seem to need some support I believe, so any support you guys can offer I am sure would be appreciated. Even if it's nothing more than supporting there sponsor XXXX.
Cheers to you all, Thanks for reading this far...
I have been trying to make a list of all of the differences between Australia and US/Canada, here is what I have come up with so far:
* The best thing, (or strangest) Many of the toilets are automatic, this includes Flushing, Hand Taps, Paper Dispensing and wait for it, Automatic toilet seat cover dispensers.... (It actually puts it on the seat for you...)
* They drive on the Goddamn wrong side of the road... silly bastards...
* Starbucks on every corner in the US, and Tim Hortons on every corner in Canada, (3 on my uni campus... is that too many?)
* I saw the classic U Haul...
* Mac Donald's Ads are the same... don't go OS for them...
* The hotel room in San Fran was tiny, but the TV was huge and had 45 odd channels...
* If you upsize you get a meal for two...
* They offer pretzels instead of Peanuts on the plane... (I will see you soon Boyd)
* The plane life jackets are the seat cushions...
* Wood Grain Coloured Cars
* Ketchup... What the HELL is tomato Sauce?
* Cell Phones (Not mobile phones) that go out of the local area????
* Our fridge is the size of a small car...
* You buy milk in plastic bags because it is more economical
* Nobody drinks more than 1.5% fat milk, unless you include Half and Half which is 18%. What we commonly drink in Australia is known only as Homo Milk... no wonder nobody drinks it... (Homo as in Homogenised... but still)
* Houses are so close together that you wouldn't fit in the gaps between them sometimes..
* Pizzas are more expensive here, $7.99 for a pizza with 1 topping... (What the hell?) The general pizza here is a plane Pepporoni Pizza like that of the Ninja Turtles...
* Coke Buddies come in 591mL bottles... (not really 600mL cokes anymore)
* Cans are generally 355mL and Beer is generally about 341mL
* Wholesales stores plague Canada where you can buy 10Kg of Butter for a margin of the price of a Supermarket... ( I still can't justify it though.. :) )
That's all for now, will try to remember some more...
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