Train back from Toronto
As i said earlier, our stay at Jackie's house was really pretty short, the following morning bright and early, we begin our trek back to Waterloo. Our first stop was to visit Uncle Harvey, (Aunty Helen's husband and Saries, Jackie's and Lee's dad). He suffers from Alzeimers and has now been under heavy medical attention for sometime. He seemed quite cheerful when I saw him and I'm glad I visited him whilst I am here in Canada. The next stop was Union Station, to catch the Via Train. Most Australians would pronounce it Via like Fire, but if you say that you want to get a Via train ticket, the person looks at you like your strange. "Did you mean via?" (like fear) Crazy Canadians... I took this oppurtunity to take a few snaps of the countyside on the way home, although plane, it's rather picturesque.
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