Come one and come all to the wonderous, the magnificent the ultra delightful stupendifying bloggylishous journal of the one, the only, biiiiigggggg Phil. In the next few moments, he intends to do an ultra double backflip turnaround jump 5 times before landing in *this* small bucket of water. If you don't believe me - Just Read ahead! You might even read about his trip to Canada!

Friday, November 26, 2004

To see something crazy go here:

Don't forget to scroll down... otherwise it's boring...

In other news.... QUT is pretty average...,4057,11483315%255E421,00.html

Until next time!


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Thursday, November 25, 2004


I'm sorry there is no update,

It has snowed for the second time I have been here, and dead set, it's just too much for me to know what to do...

I just walked home and there is ice over everything... (I have never considered that before...)
It's undescribable!


Blogger Granite said in a strange voice...

If there's no comments, then what's this???

A jam sandwich?

Although it IS terribly boring and probably shouldn't have bothered being posted, I'd still call it an update.

Keep up the hard work!

8:47 pm, November 25, 2004  
Blogger FAMOUS SVEN said in a strange voice...

Oh come on Phil! You are winging! Icy streets, -3 degress Celsius, a bit snow which vanishes after it has fallen down. What's so special with this? The winter is still coming!


3:24 am, November 26, 2004  
Blogger Philip said in a strange voice...

It's not really me whinging, it's more like being mesmerised by the snow and ice. Dead set, it's like living in a freezer, not something I have ever really appropriately imagined... It's -2oC outside and the sun is shining? Thats just weird!

5:39 am, November 26, 2004  

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Return of the Cold, Part 1

For the last week or so, the weather around waterloo could almost be described as pleasant... I never imagined before coming here that I would describe 7-9oC as pleasant.... But now that the weather has returned to it's chilli old self looking at a -1oC on the thermometer and scraping ice of the lids of wheelie bins before opening them, I can finally realise that I am adjusting to the bitterly cold temperatures that Canada has to offer...

Yesterday I decided to go out in just a fleece jumper, (my god that was a mistake!) it was ok when i went into uni, but coming home the temp had dropped to a low 0oC and that was freezing riding home... Particulary since the jumper is not my any means wind proof!

So anyway, in a link to my blog it was suggested that you should never ask Australians about the weather here, since they will always complain bitterly about the cold, so I feel that I at least need to do my duty and keep everyone informed on the craziness of Canadians living here in Canada... Better them here though than in Australia.

My house seems to have this amazing ability to hold smells, and since my roommate seems to enjoy making smelly foods, whether on purpose or not, (last night he burnt popcorn) since it's cold here (had to mention it again) the houses don't really get aired out as they may at home and as a result, the smell sticks around like a bad smell.... (Bad analogy)

What else.... I think I have been at uni everyday for the last 2-3 weeks, that includes weekends! woohoo!

I still haven't gotten ralf's birthday party invite, perhaps he didn't really invite me... (Will have to chase him up!)

Scrubs Season 4 has begun here in Canada, I have gotta say that it comes close to being one of my favourite television series! And with the purchase of a TV for our house it's not even a trip anywhere to watch it! (Tuesdays 9:30pm on CTV (ch12))

Anyway thats it for now, maybe some photos in the next post... can't be sure...


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Friday, November 19, 2004

HL2 - Apparently it can have someones babies...

Well First of all, I got my hands on Half Life 2!
Thats a pretty darn impressive game I do got to say! It hasn't done much for my study routine, (I'm having to limit myself to an hour or two a day... HL2 that is...)

Unfortunetly like many others, I had a had quite an unfun time trying to get it. I wanted to buy it off Steam, but for some reason it didnt like my Credit Card, and as a result, after trying across a couple of days (planning on preloading) and so on I gave up the day after it was released and just bought it from a local computer store... The let down is that I don't get HL:Source... which has to be the most disappointing part...

Anyway, after being chased by helicopters in an air boat, and dodging countless head crabbed zombies I can safely say that the game rocks...

For now, I have to return to studies, until next time!


Blogger FAMOUS SVEN said in a strange voice...

Hey Phil you Roo!

You're such a time-waster! Instead of playing stupid computergames you should work on my assignments!

By the way your updates are always quite nice. It's a pity that no one read them due to the fact that you have ridiculuous few visitors.


7:58 am, November 20, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

i agree. haha phil you have too much time on your hands. your blog is so laden with fine detail it's worrying. but seriously it rocks. maybe you could post some pictures of stuff? if all you can post is screenshots from hl2 i guess that'll do. i only deleted steam off my computer the other day. i've found hours in the day i never knew existed.

Nick from UQ (namely comp2801 which i will not have to do ever again)

9:28 am, November 20, 2004  
Blogger Granite said in a strange voice...

Umm... Phil... Something's wrong with your blog... I think the tag-board we all so loved is, well, not there to be loved any more... :-(

1:31 pm, November 20, 2004  
Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

your half life 2 adventures sound much like andrew's and laurie's.

"aaah its 10pm, i might play a bit of half life 2 before i go to bed...."

"holy shit the suns coming up!"

you nerds. :P

11:01 pm, November 20, 2004  

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Well, I know that I have been slack on the update side of things, but like I said on my Tag Board, Uni has been a world of pain lately, Last week I had: a MUSH due (big text based adventure game style of thing (6-8k lines) then I had a Programming Algorithms thing on Wed, then I had Operating Systems on Friday, then over the weekend I had part two of a Specifications document, and another smaller Programming assignment due on Monday, and coming up on Wednesday I have another rotten written algortithms one, and then it's start building up again towards major assignments in all four subjects ending by about Dec 6. Then it gets heavy again as I begin to prepare for my Final Exams,

So Unlike you lads and ladets (female version) at home finishing up at uni, it's just getting hot here (not really in the temperature sense, although we had a high of 9oC which could almost be considered pleasant! ) And it's a chance for you guys to think back at when you guys all started and I was waiting around to leave... So all in all, It evens out... but until then I have to be content with my 2 week break over Xmas - starting back on the 4th of December!

Until Next time!


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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I told you is freakin cold!

How is an Queenslander supposed to deal with this? I mean the puddles left by the snow have now frozen solid! You can literally skate on them if you wanted... Is that freaky or what!

This whole thing is a bamboozling experience! I mean why use a fridge at all?


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

you could always climb into the fridge to keep warm...

10:34 pm, November 15, 2004  

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Well fortunately for me, it got more exciting today, it snowed a fair bit, (OK not much at all, but it was exciting nonetheless). Here I am outside my unit taking it all in. I even made my first snowball... Snow is so light, it melts the moment it touches you, but it is kinda cool. (no pun intended)

See updated picture list here.

If only I could enjoy this and not have to be studying!


Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

put a jacket on that man!

5:38 pm, November 11, 2004  

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Well it snowed this morning, only a small bit, but I can officially say that there was snow in waterloo!

That is all...


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Saturday, November 06, 2004

Ahh Canada...

Here in Canada, I enjoy attending my lectures... (/sarcasm)

Well one of my lecturers here is deaf. Now personally I have nothing against deaf people, and I mean this guy trys REALLY hard to be a great guy, which he is. However being lectured by him would have to be one of the strangest things to have happened to me whilst I have been here in Canada. So that you can all experience him, I have gone to the trouble of recording a minute or so of his voice. Now this is the same lecturer who turned up to his first lecture wearing the shortest denim shorts ever... (I didn't think they came that short) and proceeded to dance around the class. So nothing against his deafness, but this guy is a "nutter". But a nice one of course...

He has many theories to his name too including why they serve turkey's on thanksgiving, to find out more, visit his website. There is even a "LARGE" photo of him there if you want to see it...

For more fun, listen to this song: Canada, Land of Dirt...

In other news, it reached a chilling -1oC the night before last, (no chance to photograph it, the camera wasn't handy... But expect one soon, according to the weather network, it will be snowing within a week or so.

I have also finally finished all of my mid semester exams, in comparison to my Australian friends who are just getting into SWOTVAC and final exams. Good Luck everyone! I hope you think of me during my long 2 week christmas break.


Blogger Granite said in a strange voice...

Well, I had a listen to the sound file, and looked over the guys website. Seems like a typical lecturer to me.... a complete nutter as you put it. Yep, he's a special one.

Great update, look forward to the next one in a couple of days...

10:47 am, November 07, 2004  

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What me Wash?

Who said boys don't know how to so the washing???


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

*sniff sniff*

they grow up so fast

11:53 pm, November 08, 2004  

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Update to Fall in Ontario

Well it would appear that Fall is almost over here in Ontario, with most trees having lost all of their leaves. I have added to my collection of out my window shots, see them all: HERE


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