Come one and come all to the wonderous, the magnificent the ultra delightful stupendifying bloggylishous journal of the one, the only, biiiiigggggg Phil. In the next few moments, he intends to do an ultra double backflip turnaround jump 5 times before landing in *this* small bucket of water. If you don't believe me - Just Read ahead! You might even read about his trip to Canada!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Camping in Canada

Over the weekend, Thomas, Bea and myself went hiking for three days in the Canadian Wilderness. There was certainly a subtle difference about the Canadian Wilderness when compared to that of Australian, first of all, the only animals we saw were sqirrels and birds. Also for our second and third day, we were lucky to be walking on ground that wasn't 1-2 feet of snow thick, thats right even in mid April...

On Friday we headed to Rattlesnake Point, a small reserve just west of Toronto, the walk was a 14km round trip down into a valley and back up the otherside to look over the desolate post Nuclear winter surroundings that Canada has to offer at these times of years.

Interestingly, even in the off season, there is a person manning the gates of the park, waiting to take off of you an entry fee for taking a walk in there surrounds.

You could have probably picked me out easily when compared to my walking counterparts, these two hardcore Swiss hikers that I walked with had Austrian made walking poles to help them over the "rougher" parts of this oh so dangerous bushland.

That evening, we headed just North of Toronto to my Canadian Aunty's house for an evening of relaxing after the long trek. Relaxing here involved not only living in a nonstudent house, but enjoying the spoils of a giant hottub for our weary bones, eating Belgium chocolate courtesy of my Uncle and eating a great dinner thanks to my Aunty consisting of a roast chicken and slow cooked roast beef!

With an early start the next day, the three of us made a trip north to Algonquin Provincial park, if you see the map down the left side, it's the big green patch North of Toronto. We chose the biggest day hike that they had available taking the 14km Mizzy lake trail, after about half way however the path turned into deep icy water and we were forced to make a U turn, Bea was happy about this after being the one to discover this and wearing plastic bag socks as a result of her non waterproof shoes.

As I mentioned earlier, Algonquin had MUCH more snow than Rattlesnake point and in many places, you couldn't even see dirt. Furthermore, if you walked off the track onto the unpack snow, you ended up with snow up to your knees, and in your shoes. At a guess i think it happened to us about 10 times each... maybe more...

Above: Me in deep !#&@, Bea checking the snow for herself.

Above: Can you see the wooden boardwalk that were walking on? Right: Hrrmmmm Wet shoes!

In the end though, it was worth the trek!

Setting up camp was fun, first find a site that had been plowed once or twice, secondly, find a site that wasn't filled with water and mud. We found a reasonable one, and set up camp and a nice warm fire! While there was still light we had our BBQ sausages and aussie damper, (tasted bitter thanks to our attempts at making our own Self raising flour with baking soda) and fire Potatos.

Overnight it was cold, got down to a low of -5, but once the sun was up, it returned to a bareable 6-10. The puddle besides us even froze overnight! After a nother couple of short treks we made the drive home, and we were greatful to be in a house again.

To see all of the photos from this camping trip, or any of my other trips see:


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

yup that scrub sure looks trecherous. if you fell then egads, you might fall into a pile of snow :P

3:14 pm, April 17, 2005  
Blogger Laurie said in a strange voice...

fucken shit that mustve been cold overnight

i remember checkpoint charlie was fucking cold and thats in queensland

speaking of snow, im goin skiing with franga in NZ in august :D

9:36 am, April 28, 2005  

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