Early Morning, Long Night
Well it's 5:30 am and I have just done a major update to my Blog, I have been meaning to for a while update back to Thanksgiving but I just haven't had the time. But now that it's done, please go back and check it out! Why am I up at 5:30 you ask? well that's also the reason why my post count has been low of late, particularly assignments! I have had heaps of the buggers! And tonight I have been in the lab completing a Software Specification, something that all SE's love! In particular one involving lots of UML and SDL.
Anyway, it's cold, and I am starting to feel tired... Good night Canada, and good Evening Australia... oooh that's disturbing!
Don't forget to read my new posts!
i have NFI WTF UML and SDL are.
Ultra Man's Leggings
Under My Loincloth
Small Dick Length
Super Dad's Linoleum
nah im betting its some uber geek thing.
so to satiate my insatiable curiosity what the hell is it?
Hey Dan,
UML & SDL are both Software Desgin modelling thingys.
UML means Unified Modeling language.
SDL means Specification & Desgin Language.
(Just like flowcharts detailing the way software should be designed and flow)
Both suck in a major way and I don't want to do anymore.
BTW SE = Software Engineer
That is definetly more of a personal preference...
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