Come one and come all to the wonderous, the magnificent the ultra delightful stupendifying bloggylishous journal of the one, the only, biiiiigggggg Phil. In the next few moments, he intends to do an ultra double backflip turnaround jump 5 times before landing in *this* small bucket of water. If you don't believe me - Just Read ahead! You might even read about his trip to Canada!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Bea's Birthday

Yesterday marked Bea's birthday and her coming of age -> 21.

The card she received from Thomas had well wishes from everybody in CLV, that is everybody except Thomas... Maybe his comment was just hard to find since it was found on there later that night. Sacha was the resident crazy photographer on the night, and after a camera duel between himself and I, he definetly claimed victory.

The girl on the left is the other person from UQ - Louise, she is here studying Economics. See the reference to her on Urs's site. (It's in German but it's still quite understandable...) The night was not without the required level of foolish behaviour of which I can feel at least partly respnsible for inciting as I provided some of the balloons. (Note: Beatrice had nothing to do with the attack.)

Bea's cake was baked from scratch courtesy of Isabelle, and the icing and colourful decoration was provided by Allison.


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Monday, October 25, 2004

Etiquette of a round

Something everybody should know about:

  • No dragging the chain- It is a well understood obligation that slower drinkers in a shout must attempt to keep pace with the faster members of a shout.
  • Immediacy - Never accept a beer if you do not intend to shout on that evening. Shouting "next time" is not acceptable no matter how much interest is involved.
  • Reciprocal - Even worse than the previous rule is accepting beers from the drinking party and then just buying one for yourself when it is your turn.
  • Consistency - Changing drinks on people during a shout is considered poor form. I.e., shouting everyone VBs then asking for a "boutique" beer on the return leg.
  • Accountability - Knocking over someone else's beer will only be tolerated if there is a full replacement on the table. In some mining communities, the spilling of ones beer requires the guilty party to receive a punch in the arm from all other members of the party which could be up to 60 people.
  • Egalitarian - No matter how much money is earned by each of the party members, or where their money came from, the same shouting rules apply.
  • Free will - The order of the round is determined by each individual volunteering that it is his/her shout. Fellow members should not never have to remind an individual of their obligations to the group. They will only do so in the event of a breach.
  • Abstaining - From time to time an individual may wish to stop getting drunk. Ideally, they should wait till the completion of every group member's rounds before abstaining from future rounds. If it is essential that they abstain mid-round, they should request a non-alcoholic beverage. This ensures that the first volunteer is not punished for putting their hand up first. It ensures group equality and it also ensures that the person buying the next round does not feel like a bludger by being remiss in their obligations.
  • Gender neutral- Should a women be given a drink that has been purchased in the course of buying a round, she is subsequently part of the round. All the previous rules thus apply. A round can consist of only two people.


Blogger Granite said in a strange voice...

C'mon Phil, u get up me for not updating in 2 day... This one's more than a week old! Try a bit harder buddy :-)

8:23 am, November 03, 2004  

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Australians - What I am away from

In my loneliness of Australians, I wandered onto this...
There are a few points that are soo true....

Quick guide to Australian Culture
  • The bigger the hat, the smaller the farm.
  • The shorter the nickname, the more they like you.
  • Whether it's the opening of Parliament, or the launch of a new art gallery, there is no Australian event that cannot be improved by a sausage sizzle.
  • If the guy next to you is swearing like a wharfie he's probably a media billionaire. Or, just conceivably, a wharfie.
  • On the beach, all Australians hide their keys and wallet by placing them inside their sandshoes. No thief has ever worked this out. We might have very stupid thieves. Or really stinky sandshoes. (I love this one, many days of going to the beach leaving your wallet in the towel)
  • Industrial design knows of no article more useful than the milk crate.
  • All our best heroes are losers.
  • The alpha male in any group is he who takes the barbecue tongs from the hands of the host and blithely begins turning the snags.
  • It's not summer until the steering wheel is too hot to hold.
  • A thong is not a piece of scanty swimwear, as in America, but a fine example of footwear. A group of sheilas wearing black rubber thongs may not be as exciting as you had hoped.
  • It is proper to refer to your best friend as "a total bastard". By contrast, your worst enemy is "a bit of a bastard".
  • Historians believe the widespread use of the word "mate" can be traced to the harsh conditions on the Australian frontier in the 1890s, and the development of a code of mutual aid, or "mateship". Alternatively, we may all just be really hopeless with names.
  • The wise man chooses a partner who is attractive not only to himself, but to neighbourhood mosquitoes.
  • If it can't be fixed with pantyhose and fencing wire, it's not worth fixing.
  • The most popular and widely praised family in any street is the one that just happens to have the swimming pool.
  • The phrase "we've got a great lifestyle" means everyone in the family drinks too much.
  • The poisoning of Phar Lap remains the purest example of what happens when Australians attempt to take on the outside world.
  • If invited to a party, you should take cheap red wine, but then spend all night drinking the host's beer. Don't worry, he'll have catered for it.
  • If there's any sort of free event or party within a hundred kilometres, you'd be a mug not to go.
  • When tipping in a restaurant, we add 10 per cent, and then round down to the nearest large-denomination note. Yet, miraculously, we still believe we've tipped 10 per cent.
  • The phrase "a simple picnic" is not known. Or at least not acted upon. You should take everything. If you don't need to make three trips back to the car, you are not trying.
  • Unless ethnic, you are not permitted to sit down in your front yard, or on your front porch. Pottering about, gardening or fence-leaning is acceptable. Just don't sit. That's what backyards are for.
  • Out in the bush, the tarred road always ends just after the house of the local mayor.
  • A flash sportscar driven by a middle-aged man does not incite envy as in America, but hilarity.
  • On picnics, the Esky is always too small, creating a food versus grog battle problem that can only ever be resolved by leaving the salad at home. (Very Common)
  • When on a country holiday, the motel neon advertising the pool will always be slightly larger than the actual pool.
  • The men are tough, but the women are tougher.
  • The chief test of manhood is one's ability to install a beach umbrella in high winds.
  • There comes a time in every Australian's life when one realises that the Aeroguard is far, far worse than the flies. (Another true one)
  • And, finally, don't let the tourist books fool you. No-one says "cobber".

Other Rules EVERYBODY should know:

Bringing booze to a barbecue

There is an Australian adage that when hosting a barbecue, a knock on the door should never be answered as it means the guest isn't carrying the required case of beer. (One should only answer a kick on the door.)

If invited to someone's home for a barbecue, etiquette stipulates that you make a contribution to the alcohol that will be drunk. If bringing beer, a six-pack is ok but a carton is more ideal.

Depending upon the nature of the barbecue, sometimes etiquette allows un-drunk beers to be taken home. But if the host has provided a large banquet, it is usually safer to leave un-drunk beers for the host as a gesture of thanks.

An Australian invention & we all really knew it's purpose:

1856 Refrigerator - Using the principal of vapour compression, James Harrison produced the world's first practical refrigerator. He was commissioned by a brewery to build a machine that cooled beer.

Oh and another really useful one:

1982 The dual flush toilet - As dunnies have a celebrated status in Australia, it is apt that Australia has taken a central role in their evolution. In 1982, the dual flush toilet was responsible for savings in excess of 32000 litres of water per household a year. Pretty important in the world's dries inhabited continent.

1995 - Jindalee Radar System - The United States of America spent $11 billion developing an aeroplane that could not be detected by radar. Scientists at the CSIRO then concluded that if the plane could not be detected, perhaps the turbulance it makes passing through air could be. $1.5 million later, the Jindalee Radar system had transformed the stealth bomber into nothing more than an unusual looking aircraft.


Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

oh .. yeah ... and not only that but we can see over the horizon with it :)

sucks to be the yanks.....

9:38 pm, October 26, 2004  

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Early Morning, Long Night

Well it's 5:30 am and I have just done a major update to my Blog, I have been meaning to for a while update back to Thanksgiving but I just haven't had the time. But now that it's done, please go back and check it out! Why am I up at 5:30 you ask? well that's also the reason why my post count has been low of late, particularly assignments! I have had heaps of the buggers! And tonight I have been in the lab completing a Software Specification, something that all SE's love! In particular one involving lots of UML and SDL.

Anyway, it's cold, and I am starting to feel tired... Good night Canada, and good Evening Australia... oooh that's disturbing!

Don't forget to read my new posts!


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

i have NFI WTF UML and SDL are.

Ultra Man's Leggings
Under My Loincloth

Small Dick Length
Super Dad's Linoleum

nah im betting its some uber geek thing.

so to satiate my insatiable curiosity what the hell is it?

1:40 pm, October 24, 2004  
Blogger Philip said in a strange voice...

Hey Dan,

UML & SDL are both Software Desgin modelling thingys.

UML means Unified Modeling language.
SDL means Specification & Desgin Language.
(Just like flowcharts detailing the way software should be designed and flow)

Both suck in a major way and I don't want to do anymore.

BTW SE = Software Engineer


2:47 am, October 25, 2004  
Blogger Philip said in a strange voice...

That is definetly more of a personal preference...

3:10 am, October 26, 2004  

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Pumpkin Files

Apparently Canada is the land of the big Pumpkin!

Special note: those nice green Ear muffs... there actually mine, Sarie had the honour in giving them to me as a gift, I still can't decide if I will wear them, in the mean time, the pumkin shall!


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

that sure is one purdy pumpkin

11:42 pm, October 16, 2004  
Blogger McBain said in a strange voice...

A Man is not a camel
but a camel can sometimes be a man.

2:40 pm, October 18, 2004  

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

If it isn't a COOOOLD Morning

For those of you who are Canadian or Europian, don't bother reading this, it's probably nothing new. For those of you in Queensland, this is what I have to deal with... Freezing cold mornings! Well besides the grass being white with Frost, It wasn't actually freezing on my thermometer although it was mighty close:


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Canadian Thanksgiving - Part 2 (Allisons House)

Before we went away for the weekend, Isabelle Allisons housemate, decided that she was going to hold a thanksgiving dinner at their house on Monday night. Well, it turned out great! She organised the turkey, and everyone else brought a dish. The turkey was massive and in line with tradition had no problems feeding this long table. (Made from lots of small coffee tables - kinda like a Japanese restaurant sitting on your knees) The best story of the night was from the some of the English students. Not many people bringing dishes realised that our local supermarket would not be open on Thanksgiving, given that it's 24 hours you wouldn't expect it to close. Well it did... they needed there dish which was to be Corn... These guys being the clever lads they are... decided to get some corn fresh from the fields that are surrounding this town and went of and picked a fair few. Unfortunetly all of the sweet corn has been picked by this stage and the remaining corn is for grain to feed the animals throughout the winter... as a result they had plenty of grain corn.. which is not anything like regular corn. In fact the cob is brown! See the pictures below (it's a much darker colour).

Nonetheless, it was a great night, Allison and I provided some of the dessert in the form of fresh cooked brownies! They were quite a hit! Add another feast for the week! Not bad two nights in a row!


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Train back from Toronto

As i said earlier, our stay at Jackie's house was really pretty short, the following morning bright and early, we begin our trek back to Waterloo. Our first stop was to visit Uncle Harvey, (Aunty Helen's husband and Saries, Jackie's and Lee's dad). He suffers from Alzeimers and has now been under heavy medical attention for sometime. He seemed quite cheerful when I saw him and I'm glad I visited him whilst I am here in Canada. The next stop was Union Station, to catch the Via Train. Most Australians would pronounce it Via like Fire, but if you say that you want to get a Via train ticket, the person looks at you like your strange. "Did you mean via?" (like fear) Crazy Canadians... I took this oppurtunity to take a few snaps of the countyside on the way home, although plane, it's rather picturesque.

This church was in Guelph I think, I was a bit slow with the Camera, but I just kind of thought it was a bit strange to have such a huge beautiful church in such a small country town.


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Monday, October 11, 2004

Canadian Thanksgiving - Part 1 (Jackies House)

After our long walk up through Oak Ridge, we returned to a bustling hive of activity. Allison and I were in for a big treat! What had been prepared was a hige selection of food, but the highlight was our very own Cornish Hen each! (Basically we had our very own chook to devour). Cooked to perfection using two ovens (since there were so many mouths to feed) seasoned with Cranberry sauce and a wide variety of herbs, nobody was left hungry. But that didnt stop the wide selection of desserts. The traditional sweet dish is the Pumpkin Pie, (Something to do with all huge pumpkins lying aroung. For those who haven't tried it, it's kind of weird, not pumpkiny in sense that you might have a piece or two with your roast dinner, but light and sweet. I think it might grow on me given half a chance but I wasn't so sure for round one. (the pies we got delight in trying we baked by Sarie and Savannah)

Here sits Allison on the back patio of Jackies House, talk about a great view. Jackie's house is a reallllly nice house, very large and spacious and the being on such a huge block of land in the Canadian countryside, what more can i say but, "ahhhh, the serenity". (Note: there are no huge power lines humming in the background). On the right is the long table that had all the hungry mouths!

Here is Lee and Aunty Helen's dog 'izzy', normally she is jumping around like crazy, but she seemed comfortable in Lee's lap. On the right is Allison and I out the back of Jackie's house again, once again what a view, and don't you love the autumn colours in the background!

Here is my fun-loving great aunt of 21 years of age, Aunty Helen. (Watch out for her cane! she can get pretty fiesty... ;) ) On the right is one of the most stunning collection of Coke Cans I have ever seen! Leigh (I hope i have the spellings around the right way) has a fascination in collecting Coke cans from across the world, in every possible variety. On top of this collection here, his wardrobe, (the mirror on the right) is absolutley full!

All in all our stay at Jackie's house, although far to short, was excellent. We look forward to the oppurtunity of returning!

Thanks John and Jackie for letting us visit!


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Oakridge Trail - North of Toronto

After staying in Oakville Friday and Saturday Night, we moved North towards Toronto for the approaching Canadian Thanksgiving. We arrived early in the afternoon as Jackie had planned for the group of us (approx. 10 people) to go for a walk. The countryside in Canada has been pretty beautiful everywhere we have been, and this was no exception. At this time of year not only is everything either a vivid green or a bright brown colour but the whether is really comfortable. Not to hot or cold to be restricting on getting about.

On the left is Jon and Rob at the beginning of our trek, and on right is a small Canadian Toad, (apparently they're not pests here...).

Whilst we were walking we found this cottage in the middle of nowhere, in it was just a bed and a stove, talk about minimilistic living! Opposite it was probably the reason for it's location, a small yet beautiful lake, the picture showing also the brilliant orange hues that this season has to offer.

Again here is the lake from a little closer, (Allison & Jackie in the foreground) and on the right is Allison in an ancient brick barn. We discovered that this barn was buily back in 1920 and is now right next to a big cathedral in the middle of the forest.

Finally, theres me with one of Saries dogs, and on the right is a Huge Pumpkin that is being raffled! (Something to do with Halloween I think).


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Sunday, October 10, 2004

Oakville, Cake, Smelly Fish & identical houses

This weekend we decided to go to Oakville and visit Angela & co. (Allisons Relatives here in Canada). The town they live in is about 1hrs drive south of Toronto along lake Ontario. It's a relatively quiet place, where the buses run infrequently and the one very distinguishing feature is the houses all look the same. (if thats a distinguishing feature) Whilst I was there I had to get some photos just to show people what I mean:

Whilst I was there, I also had the pleasure of another Birthday cake and the excitement of sitting through another "Happy Birthday to You" which we have all come to love and cherish in our many years of growing up. Also that evening, Mike, decided that he would have some Bombay Duck, (It ABSOLUTELY STINKS) for those who aren't aware Bombay duck is not duck at all but some type of dried fish, not many foods make me blanch but this is one of them... (Ok a fair few, but still)

Thanks Angela, Mike, Noel & Nic for letting us stay, we had a good time!


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Friday, October 08, 2004

University of Waterloo - MC and DC

Today I decided to take a few pre-winter shots of University,
The Picture in the top left is where I spend most of my time, It's the Mathematics and Computer Science Building. On Tuesday's and Thursdays you can find me there from 8:30-2:30. To the right of that is the walkway from the MC building across to the Davis Centre, (and a hearty cafeteria).

This last picture is a shot of the DC again, (the walkway above is just to the left) it's probabaly one of the nicest/newest buildings here at the uni, and it seems to use a hell of a lot of glass. (I bet the heating bill is huge in winter).


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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Today I am 20 - And it's too cold already!

Well, I made it, I am 20 years of age. For those of you who doubted me, shame on you.

Nonetheless it's 9pm on the night of my birthday and it's rather cold outside. For the entire day it has not gotten above 12-13 degrees, and there was frost on the grass and the roofs of the houses here this morning! Woopee, and they say it doesnt get bad until January. (Are they kidding?)

Last night I had a party at my house, thanks to my housemates for letting me trash the house... (Not really all that badly though) It was a great night and fun was had by all. Here are a few shots! Note the great decorating! Allison and Sven were the main contributors towards this! Allison gave me a terrific cake, decorated with the flag of my home country! All that was missing from the party was some good ole' fashioned XXXX. Had to settle with a 5L mini Keg of "Canadian".

Heres Stefan (aka "Slacker") , Allison and Wolfgang! (He would always blink, so this is the best shot we could get of him... )

Top Left: Keg & I, Top right: Nicolas & Sven!, Bottom Left: Urs, Allison and Me, Bottom Right: Allison & Sarah.

In the time it has taken me to wirte this, the temp is now 2.5 degrees!

Note: :Lower 5 photos courtesy of SVEN.


Anonymous Anonymous said in a strange voice...

happy birthday geezer. soon your gonna be an old bastard :P

9:45 pm, October 12, 2004  

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Argghhh - Fall Has Begun

Well I looked out of my window today to find this:

I think that the season of "fall" has begun, (for those of you in Australia, thats Autumn...) The weather here also is seeming to change rather rapidly, come Tuesday they are predicting a max of 6! Awsome, now I know why I came to Canada!

One Week on: (7/10/2004)

A little less green, and the weather is definetly getting cooler!

The leaves: (10/10/04)

The afternoon of (4/11/04) Pretty average wet day:
Note the leaves...

And now... a Huge Jump:
(5/11/04) - Nearly Winter... The 50km/h gusts have cleaned away all of the leaves that were there yesterday.

Well today marks the first snow fall for me, and waterloo for this season's fall!

WATCH this space, more to come!


Blogger Pishnagambo said in a strange voice...

just think of the bright side ... freeze your balls off and you could become a male slave for some imperial court.

2:27 pm, October 03, 2004  

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IF you want to read more:

June 2004; July 2004; August 2004; September 2004; October 2004; November 2004; December 2004; January 2005; February 2005; March 2005; April 2005; May 2005; December 2006;